(Are finished this up; colours etc. Major props to her for being, you know, amazing.)

This is stupid.
Simplistic DRRDRRDRR!Raff. His chaotic form gets a bit more.. special? later on, hurr. But here's its basic form; a giant, stupid weasel with too many eyes (and usually too many mouths as well). Hmm hmm.
Raff doesn't really know how to, ah, access his potential power, so he only really transforms if he's "tantalized". Uhh, I don't really feel like explaining much, since I actually hate Raff more than my other characters somehow. He's not much more of an asshole than anyone else.
He's actually quite young, only around 27 years old. Mana, in contrast, is more than 700 years old. Raff.. doesn't really know much about.. anything. He was originally a merchant from Tal (his skin and hair colour/texture is very typical of Tal), but after his chance encounter with Siegurd he wandered the world in a sort of haze, not very conscious; not quite a "manic" period, but unstable in form and mentality nonetheless. Eventually, Deszo found out about him and, thinking him too unstable, sent his brigade to exterminate him. ... of course, Raff, having the persistence of a cockroach, survives, being found by two small children (Marianne/Marigolde and Micah/Rubin(/Reuben)) who took him back to their town, give him a name (he.. doesn't remember much from before about a year before this), got him all fixed up, when... Deszo more or less finds him again, causes him to go chaotic, unfortunately Raff destroys the town and blah blah blah this makes more sense in my head. He's pretty much a lost puppy ONCE AGAIN after this, except more stable blah de blah blah blaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Eventually ends up traveling with Sasha, Lorant, and Rudolf, Lorant absolutely hates him (it's mutual) since Raff's... not such a nice person. Oh I give up. I can't write coherently whenever I try to explain characters/story shit.